Exploring Luxury in the Hotels of Peru and Ecuador [Part 4: Exteriors]

Hotels can be very secretive little worlds. Yet even the most secluded and off-limits place has to come to terms with the fact that it still exists under the same harsh sun as everything else and still has to do the unglamorous work of keeping out the rain. It still has to have a physical presence in a wider landscape or a city.

The hotel environments that Bekah and I explored recently all had to transition at some point from carefully curated interiors to unpredictable landscapes and weather conditions that lay waiting outside the front door.

Sometimes the building exteriors that result from this transition look very consistent with the rooms they contain, sort of as billboards proclaiming what you can expect to see inside. Other times these outer shells are deliberately anonymous with no hint of the kind of world awaiting you once you pass through the front door. Still others create a kind of extended transition zone from inside to outside by using deepened porches and broad roof overhangs. In all cases these hotel exteriors have a difficult set of tasks to accomplish, and the hotels documented here all balance these tasks well: They have to keep out the elements, they have to look good within the wider landscapes and cityscapes they’re sited in, and they have to communicate to the wider world a taste of their own unique atmosphere.

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Bekah and I took these photographs at the following hotels:

Hacienda Zuleta

Tambo del Inka

Palacio Nazarenas

Sol y Luna

Sonesta Posada del Inka

Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica

Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel

One Comment

  1. These buildings blend in so beautifully with the surroundings. The structure, shapes, colors, building materials & design are so inviting. Must see!


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